REMS is a method of bone assessment the utilizes pulsed echographic ultrasonography – REMS is a technology developed by Echolight. REMS is utilized by the EchoS, an ultrasound unit that generates a sound wave that bounces off your bones creating echoes. REMS will then listen to the echoes to determine properties of your bones. REMS can do that because an echo from a strong bone will be different than an echo from a weak bone. The measurements obtained by REMS comply with the standards established by the World Health Organization for bone assessment. REMS assess your spine and left and right hips to generate two values that are critical to your bone health: These numbers are:
(1) Fragility Score - FS
(2) Bone Mineral Density - BMD
Historically, Bone Mineral Density (BMD) has been the number that was used to determine if you were at risk of sustaining a fragility fracture. However, it is now recognized that BMD is not the only important number because there are individuals with low BMD that never fracture and there are other individuals who sustain fragility fractures and have good BMD. Research is showing that there are other properties of bone that need to be measured. The important bone equation is:
Strength = Bone Quality & BMD
Fragility Score (FS) is a measure of bone quality that can help you have a better understanding of your risk of a fragility fracture. Also, there is a third bit of information that the REMS assessment will provide. This is:
(3) Body Composition and Estimated Activity Metabolism
The information provided by the Body Composition Analysis may provide useful information for a comprehensive weight loss program. The results obtained by REMS examinations are clinically valid and can be used in your bone health care.
REMS is an ultrasound-based technology and it does not generate x-rays like DXA does. It is a safe method of bone assessment and it can be done at OsteoStrong. REMS is free to travel all roads to reach those who are in search of quality bone health assessment and have the desire to maintain a healthy skeleton to best prevent life-altering and often life-threatening fragility fractures.
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